I'm running for Mayor of Coronado based on a record of accomplishments and a vision for our city's future.


Like many Coronado residents, my wife and I chose to make Coronado our home because we felt it was the best possible place to raise our four children.   It is a patriotic town, with a love of community and family and a long history of leaders and volunteers who strive to maintain its essence.  
My wife, Peggy, and I met at the University of San Diego School of Law in 1992. She was a brilliant student and likes to remind me that she scored higher on her exams than me. Peggy went on to a very successful career as a Health Care attorney at a top law firm and currently serves on boards of many local nonprofits. In 1998, I created and managed a law firm partnership that focused on representation of financial institutions in Federal Court. The firm thrived, growing to twelve offices in ten states with hundreds of attorneys and employees. 
Our four children grew up in Coronado and just recently achieved major milestones. Connor recently graduated from the University of Southern California, and our triplets Emma, Tara and Colin just graduated from high school. Now, all four are moving to the East Coast to continue their education. 
A few years ago, I gained a new perspective and appreciation of life when I was diagnosed with throat cancer. After a lengthy battle, with the support from great doctors, my family and the community, I was able to make a full recovery and declared cancer-free. This close call gave me additional perspective on life and the strong desire to give back full-time to the community. 
The time was right for me, both personally and professionally, to embrace public service beyond my longstanding service on City Commissions, Nonprofit Boards, and youth volunteering.  I ran a strong campaign for the City Council, focusing on being present and having open communication with all members of the public.  I was honored that the citizens of Coronado chose to elect me to City Council, finishing first in a field of very strong candidates. 
I have embraced my time on Council, working extremely hard and accomplishing much, both on Council and on important outside agencies, where I provide strong representation and advocacy for Coronado.  I am confident that I have the right skills, experience, track record, and vision to lead our city forward as Mayor.


Since my first day in office, I have brought my experience in business and law to tackle important issues in a way that best serves our community .  


Tijuana Sewage Issue

Our beach is our city's number one asset and cleaning the waters is my number one priority.

The cross-border sewage has been harming our beaches for decades but it took new leadership at city hall to start making progress.

​I worked tirelessly on the city's cross-border subcommittee and with federal officials to secure the $156M in new funding that will allow us to break ground later this year on an expanded waste-water treatment plant later this year. 

As Mayor, I'll make sure the job gets done and our beaches are clean.


City Finances and Budgets

The city is currently in a sound financial position, but large capital projects, aging infrastructure, and increasing pension costs will require thoughtful financial planning to balance future budgets.

Additionally, after reviewing the city's financial investments, it was apparent we were not maximizing the value of our taxpayer funds while minimizing risks. 

I pushed for reforms that more than doubled our expected return without increasing our risk.

As Mayor, I'll continue to invest your tax dollars to generate more value for Coronado residents and rely on my business experience to make investments in our city's infrastructure while balancing our budget.

Police and Fire

Public Safety

The foundation for every successful community is a safe and clean community.

Supporting our first responders and protecting the community is one of my top priorities. With my experience as a Deputy Court Clerk in the criminal court system, the DA’s office, and many law enforcement citizen academies, I understand how our policies affect community safety.

 I am proud to be endorsed by the Coronado Police Officers Association, the Deputy Sheriffs Association of San Diego, and the San Diego Police Officers Association because of my commitment to funding the resources they need to keep Coronado one of the safest communities to call "home."

As Mayor, I will continue to approve budgets and policies that allow us to attract and retain dedicated public service professionals.


Storm Drains and Roads

As our infrastructure ages, prudent fiscal planning is needed to maintain and replace our storm drains, wastewater pumps, and roads. 

As the recent storms demonstrated, Coronado must make improvements to protect the neighborhoods and business district susceptible to flooding. These improvements are not cheap or quick as they require long-range planning and investment. 

As Mayor, I'll make planning and investment in our infrastructure a priority for our community so that future flooding will be less likely and residents can continue to enjoy smooth roads.


Orange Ave

A strong community has a vibrant and sustainable business community.

As the Council’s liaison to the Chamber of Commerce, I continually seek feedback from the local businesses (as well as the citizens) on how we can improve Orange Ave and our policies to benefit the community.

As Mayor, I'll continue this outreach and bring my proven business success and executive experience to provide the real-world insight that is needed for Coronado businesses to thrive.



The regional transportation planning agency has an important and necessary role to play in our region.

However, SANDAG has a documented history of abusing taxpayer funds, mismanaging projects, and forcing Coronado to zone for over 900+ new housing units.  

As Mayor, I'll partner with other SANDAG board members to provide accountability for past actions while championing the interests of Coronado to ensure SANDAG becomes a trusted, functional agency once again. 

John's Endorsements

Coronado Police Officers Assoc.
Coronado Firefighters Assoc.

Richard Bailey


Mary Herron

Former Mayor

Susan Keith

Former Councilmember

Whitney Benzian

Former Councilmember

Dave Landon

Community Leader

Wayne Strickland

Community Leader

Donna Salof

Community Leader

Amy Steward

Community Leader

Arlene Inch

Community Leader

Imperial Beach Councilmembers

Jack Fisher, Mitch McKay, Carol Seabury

John's Vision for Coronado

I believe Coronado's Mayor should be a proactive leader that moves our city forward while staying true to our community's character and values.

The progress we've made on the Tijuana sewage issue, city finances, and long-term infrastructure planning should have been done decades ago, but it took new leadership at City Hall, with the right experience, to move us forward. 

During my time in the private sector, I developed the experience and vision necessary to lead a large organization while maintaining attention to details, which made our business a success.  As a Councilmember, I've worked with people across the political spectrum to make progress on issues important to our city. If elected, I'll bring this same, proactive and collaborative approach to the position of Mayor. 

I want to build on our recent successes and remain focused on fulfilling the core responsibilities of local government so Coronado can continue to be a community where families like mine and yours want to call "home."

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